Monday, December 7, 2009

Audition Pre-work for Girls!

Below are the three monologues that need to be prepared for the auditions (to be held in January 2010) for the ladies. I have added a short note to explain the mood as well. If you have any further questions, you can contact for more details. All the best! :)

a) Reminisicing, light, calm, laid back.
My dream? You'd never guess, to look at me. But when I was a little kid? I spent summers on a farm. My Dad's grandparents'. Till I was six. When I was seven my parents divorced, and the summers stopped. My Great-Grands passed away not very long after. I don't remember much about it, really. Except that I was happy. I fed the chickens and rode a pony. And I remember smells: the country air. Sometimes, now, a fresh rain on grass in the park? Takes me right back. Anyway, that's my dream: to own a farm. A small one, where I can grow my own food, and ride a horse. Maybe grow some fancy stuff for gourmet restaurants? Asparagus and herbs and free range chickens. A couple of big old brown-eyed milk cows. I want an old fashioned wood barn-- I love that smell: a wood barn filled with hay and animals. I want plenty of trees, a brook with a pond, some mountains in the distance. I dream about it day and night. I calm myself looking at seed catalogs. Or I sketch out designs for my farm house. I search through the real estate photos, looking for just the right place: far, far away from the city noise, and from the stink. Be best if my nearest neighbor is out of sight. Thing is, I've had enough of people. And I wouldn't be surprised if they've had enough of me.

b) Animated, bubbly
Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. (makes a face) I know right, it's soooo embarrassing. I don't even...whatever. So then in eighth grade I started going out with my first boyfriend Kyle, who was totally gorgeous but then he moved to Indiana--and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like "Why didn't you call me back?!" and I'd be like, "Uh, why are you so obsessed with me?" So then for my birthday party, which was an all girls pool party, I was like, "Janyce I can't invite you because I think you're a lesbian" I mean, I couldn't have a lesbian at my party! There were going to be girls there in their bathing suits! I mean right, she was a lesbian! So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her and it was so retarded and then she dropped out of school 'cause no one would talk to her and she came back in the fall for high school and her hair was all cut off and she was totally weird and now I guess she's on crack. Oh my God! I love your skirt, where did you get it?

c) Tired, beaten, suppressed emotions
My home life? It's okay. I guess most people would think my family's a happy little family. And well I guess... they are. I act like a part of this happy little family. But on the inside I'm screaming trying to get out. My parents just don't get it. All they do is scream and shout at me yell and yell even louder. It's like their anger comes out on me...(beat) ...this is hard. I've never told anyone about this before. I'm like any other girl. Afraid she's not skinny or pretty enough. So I eat a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner... but, it's not like it stays in me for very long. My parents don't get it because they don't know. They don't know that after every single meal I eat... my head ends up in the toilet and my finger down my throat. They don't see it because they don't care. Sometimes I think they would have been better off with another son. At least then he wouldn't have some dumb ass eating disorder.

The above monologues are courtesy of:

Shilpa Krishnan

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